I love a good bit of stationery. When I was a kid, one of the most exciting times of the year for me was the return to school after the summer holidays. New pencil case or pencil tin. Properly sharpened pencils. Collectible smelly erasers. A fountain pen as you got older. Even a Parker pen if you were lucky.
In the age of technology in schools, I have no idea if this even happens anymore. (As Smiggle is still around this suggests it might, just with a bit more glitter involved than in the 70s and 80s)
Of course, it was really only partially about stationery – it was also geared to be symbolic of a new start. A signal from your parents that holidays were nearly over, September was here, and it was time to get your head back into a back to school frame of mind.
As the excitement of New Year’s Eve and Day are fading away. I’m wondering if there’s an adult version of a new pencil case that we can take and apply to January? Some kind of symbolic act to keep people motivated as January starts to envelop us and we’re all feeling a bit miserable and demotivated. Something to shift the mindset back into the positivity of fresh new things, to increase the chances of success in whatever it is you’re embarking on.
If I’m attempting to kick my exercise goals up a notch, then keeping it fresh for me probably translates to investing in new gym gear or downloading a new app to try. It keeps it interesting and I’m more engaged and likely to achieve what it is I’ve set out to do.
As January is often the time when many people move roles or companies, is there a new pencil case trick here to help with the mental shift from one to the other? How can you make sure that you’re not just swapping one email address (or manager for another) leaving you glazing over before you’ve even begun? Here are my Top 4:
- Have a break in-between the old job and new job. Give yourself a breather. Signal to yourself the definite closure of one chapter and the new beginnings of the next. Ideally a week, but at least a few days if that’s feasible. Use that time to get your brain clear by cracking on with the other items below.
- One of the most powerful things that works for me is to have a massive document shredding session. That might be old notebooks or note paper hanging around the desk. Then move onto any household stuff, bills etc and clear that big old to-do pile. I find it unbelievably cathartic. As the paper is going into the shredder, I imagine all the unpleasant aspects of the old role, into the shredder they go, along with the paper. This is a true mental reset. Totally cathartic.
- Next is the wardrobe. Not quite a full-scale intervention – but all about setting yourself up properly for the new chapter. Dress codes can be quite different from organisation to organisation, this could be an opportunity for positive change. I once went from a customer facing role where I lived in black suits and uncomfortable heels, to a less formal dress code expectation where I felt I could be more ‘outside of work me’. This meant ditching the suit and heels and wearing some brighter colours. It was an intentional shift which put a spring in my step (no heels!) and kept things feeling fresh and new.
- Finally, if you work from home, I’d definitely recommend an early spring clean for your office or workspace. Clear out the desk drawers, tidy up the bookshelf, maybe treat yourself to a new plant. If you want a bigger change, go more drastic, I once painted my walls a much brighter colour and hung some new pictures. It was the same desk, but it felt really great to have a different view reflecting back at me from Teams calls.
If you have any tip and tricks to start something new and maintain it in a positive way, I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or get in touch via email.
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