If you google search ‘self-confidence’ you’ll get multiple variations on a theme. Essentially it is an attitude or belief about yourself which enables you to trust in your abilities, knowledge, judgement, and decision making to exert quality control over your own life. It’s about understanding your strengths and having awareness of the things that aren’t in your strengths zone.
I was planning to write this blog yesterday, however I missed my alarm and got out of bed late. What followed was the start of a day where everything felt like it was challenging and difficult. (I am sure most of you will be able to relate.) I spilt coffee down my clean top and smashed a bowl in the kitchen, all before I sat down in my home office to start a day’s work.
Resilience is the ability to spring back into shape, the capacity to recover quickly from a challenge. The festive period is one such challenge due to the pressure (perceived or actual) that we can find ourselves under.
It was a Sunday just after lunch when my daughter rang me on my mobile. My usual bright and cheery “Hello Darling” was greeted by inaudible gasps for air. I instantly knew what was happening, trying to stay calm and knowing I was about two hours’ drive away from her. I asked how long she had been struggling to breathe and how much reliever she had taken.