As the New Year nears, like most, I find myself taking a reflective pause – a moment to look back at last year, the challenges faced, the realisations and growth achieved. It is a junction where the past and the future converge. A moment to review the past, gain valuable insights and understand the experience this brings before stepping into the unknown of what lies ahead.
Before setting sail into the next chapter let us take a moment to share the wisdom that 2023 brought with it, below are my top three learnings.
1. Communication is Key
Clear and open communication fosters alignment, mitigates misunderstandings and cultivates trust. This isn’t new or insightful for me however having experienced a personally chaotic year in 2023 I very consciously shared headline personal information openly within the workplace. This is something I have refrained from doing before. This transparent communication proved to be a lifeline. Others had experienced similar situations, providing pockets of sound advice and expertise. This helped me navigate through the personal chaos, significantly reduced my stress levels.
2. Set Realistic Goals and Be Prepared to Flex Them If Required
A balanced and pragmatic approach to setting goals is required to achieve success. As an optimistic person I have a natural tendency to overestimate what I can achieve within a given timeframe. I’m fully aware of this trait and that by being overambitious with my aspirations I can inadvertently put myself under undue pressure. To overcome this, I break down tasks into manageable realistic steps or milestones. In addition, I regularly take time out, a reflective pause, to reassess and realign where I am against my goals. Considering progress to date and any changes that have happened are they still realistic and achievable within the same timeframe? I find that giving myself permission to be flexible and adjust goals is a powerful tool to keep myself on track to achieving success. I have had to put this strategy into practice a number of times this year.
3. Prioritise Self-Care
It is important to realise that self-care is not selfish, it is essential. I deprioritised my own self-care to support others in 2023. I didn’t have time for the gym or to go on my usual hikes and didn’t take time out to prioritise healthy eating. Although this felt the right thing to do at the time as the months progressed, I realised my mistake when I began to suffer from one illness after another, culminating in me being hospitalised for a week with a severe asthma attack and flu. An experience I certainly do not want to relive. My takeaway from this whole experience is that I need to prioritise my own self-care and wellbeing in order to have the energy and capability to support others. Also do not be afraid to seek out professional counselling and therapy before you reach burnout. Thankfully, I did this and it significantly helped me navigate my emotional challenges, maintaining my mental well-being and reducing stress.
With the calendar inching closer to the 2024 marker, I am experiencing a mix of emotions, a sense of relief that crazy 2023 chapter, with its heavy personal burden, is over. I also feel a profound sense of liberation, as the prospect of a new year brings a mix of hope and as the calendar resets. With this new beginning I look forward to starting to paint the blank canvas of the year ahead.
I’d love to hear more about the wisdom you take with you into your next chapter. Are you planning for what you want to achieve in 2024, do you intend to make any significant changes and what will success look like for you at the end of the new year? Please feel free to comment below.
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